How to Make Your First Ever Affiliate Commission, Step-by-Step

There are so many different ways an affiliate can generate commission. There isn’t one better way than another, if you feel confident or have experience in one specific promotional channel, then it’s going to be beneficial to start there. For those who need some guidance, here is a step-by-step process for delivering your first sale/lead specifically through your website.


Step 1

We’re going to assume you have already created a website within a specific niche. The first step is to join an affiliate network and once you have been approved, you need to choose a relevant offer to promote. It’s vital you select an offer that sits in the same niche as your website. For example, if your website is about saving money and finding good deals, then you need to find an offer within the deals, discounts and freebies category.

Step 2

The next step is to add promotional banners, known as ‘creatives’ and various links to your website in order to drive your visitors to the offer page. All the resources for doing this can be found in your affiliate account and you should have access to a range of different banner sizes and call-to-action buttons.

Place these on to your website in strategic places, such as down the sidebar on the right-hand side, or within a piece of content. A well-written piece of content talking specifically about the offer with a banner or button placed at the end is advisable. Once your visitor has finished reading about the great deal, they need to know exactly where to go to find it, so make it easy for them.


Step 3

So now that you’ve chosen an offer and you’ve added various advertisements and links on to your website, it’s time to get people to those pages. The more people who visit these pages, the more clicks the affiliate offer is going to attract; hopefully converting into leads or sales. You could carry out some basic SEO so that your website ranks in search engines like Google for various search terms. However, SEO can take a lot of effort and a long time to perfect, so you could also try some of the following methods:

– Sharing your web pages on social media
– PPC: Pay per click advertising on Google Adwords
– Video marketing: Creating informative videos that point people towards your website

If you follow these three steps and work on that the final stage for a few weeks, sending more and more people to your website, then you should see your first affiliate commission in good time.

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