Why WOW TRK for Affiliates?


This blog post relates to the WOW TRK affiliate network which closed in 2020. This blog post remains to preserve some history of the affiliate network.

The information in this blog post may be incorrect or no longer relevant.

We often get asked how is WOW TRK different? As an affiliate why should I pick WOW TRK over another affiliate network? I thought it a good idea to a post a few key reasons that makes us different from other affiliate networks and as an Affiliate why you should consider WOW TRK when looking for offers to promote on your website or traffic source.

Here are just a few key reasons why we feel WOW TRK really stands out from other networks.

Established since 2007

WOW TRK has been established since 2007, over 10 years. Whilst in some industries 10 years isn’t a long time in affiliate marketing there a huge amount of networks that come and go, lasting just a few short years. WOW TRK is fully owned by WOW Media UK Ltd which for the past 5 years has been in profit. As of December 2017, one of the leading credit agencies Creditsafe gave us an international credit score of A (very low risk), the best rating available.

Offer Metrics & Organisation

As a network that has more than 400 active offers we know how important it is for Affiliates to be able to find the right offer for their traffic. That is why we have put a large focus on this recently. Affiliates can view top performing offers by EPC and Conversion Rate. We recently launched a ‘Trending’ view, so you can see which offers are being looked at the most amongst Affiliates. You can also filter offers down by country, category, creative type, payout type and more.

Competitive Rates on Offers

Many networks quote they offer the highest rate and if they don’t they will match other networks, however this requires affiliates to check other networks, look out for higher rates and then inform their account manager they want the adjusted rate. At WOW TRK, we do all this work for you, the WOW TRK team regularly review all our rates compared to all networks listed on OfferVault, then look to increase rates if possible to be in line with other networks or speak to the Advertiser to get a rate increase.


Free Local Affiliate Payments

We offer local bank transfers in over 20 countries, generally fee-free. We cover any fees charged by our bank and our international payment provider TransferWise who use the real exchange rate instead of your banks rate (who can sometimes charge 3-5%). Meaning most of the time you get 100% of your commission in your pocket (unless your bank charges you for receiving payments).

Affiliate Tools to Help Affiliates

If you have not checked out our free Affiliates Tools yet we highly recommend you do. We offer a range of tools for affiliates including unique tools like Offer Feeds. Our tools are designed to save you time and increase your revenue from your existing traffic.

Free Apps to Monitor Your Stats

As of right now we offer a free Mac App, Firefox and Chrome extensions to easily keep up to date with your stats, they even offer free push notifications so you know when you earn more commission! Alongside these our backend platform provider HasOffers also offer an iOS and Android app for our Affiliates.

We are always looking at ways to improve WOW TRK to be the leading network of choice. If you have any suggestions on something you would like to see from us, let us know!

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