Ways to Automate Affiliate Marketing Ads

Automating income is anyone’s dream and with so many things to manage day to day, automating any part of your income stream is great news!

I thought it would be a good idea to put together a blog post on some great ways of automating your affiliate marketing revenue. I am not saying you can just sit back, do nothing and watch the money just come in..

However if you have a website or are setting up a website and want to automate some of your income, save yourself some time managing different affiliate marketing ads, then I imagine you will find this list useful! Not only are these useful for saving you time but they might also help you generate additional revenue, as before you may not have bothered or it might automatically optimise taking the manual work out of learning what does best.

On-the-fly Updating and Optimising Banner Rotators + that geo-target
With WOW Trk you can easily place banner rotators on your site that update and geo-target to the specific user visiting the site. So if a UK user visits the site for example they will see an offer that allows UK traffic. With the free WOW Trk WordPress plugin you can also easily add banner rotators on your site in a few clicks.

Automatically Convert Standard Links to Affiliate Links & In Text Affiliate Links.
Skimlinks gives you a small piece of script to place on your site (they also have plugins for example WordPress to make this even easier), Skimlinks will then automatically convert links on your site to external websites that could be affiliate links for you. So if for example you have linked to a product or a website which has an affiliate programme that’s on Skimlinks then it will automatically start monetising that link for you!

Domain Parking
Got domain names you are not using? You might as well park them using a domain parking service like Sedo. If they then happen to get traffic (which if they are good value domain names, I am sure they will!) then you can start making money out of these domain names automatically. Ads will also be geo-target if you use the example I mentioned above.


Co-Registration on Sign up Path
Co-registration is usually fairly complicated to get setup on your registration path but with Opt Intelligence they make it easy! As they say ‘simple and seamless JavaScript setup that requires no coding.’ The co-reg offers automatically update when new ones are available and they also geo-target.

Easily Share Offers on Social Media (semi-automated)
Ok so this one isn’t 100% automated, however its a cool feature on our affiliate network, basically we provide a list of offers which have a ‘social creative’ and you can simply hit the ‘Tweet’ button and it writes the tweet for you including your affiliate link ready to post it out on your Twitter! Works with a few other social networks as well.

Email Updates via RSS Feed
Hate creating email updates about affiliate offers? If you are regularly updating your site content with affiliate offers, why not setup email updates to be automatically sent from an RSS feed from your site? (if you use WordPress its easy to grab your RSS feed for your site). Most email platforms like MailChimp and Campaign Monitor will let you setup RSS to Email Newsletters. Focus on what matters, content.

Email Auto Responders (semi-automated)
This is automated once setup however there is a manual process involved first and also you do have to manually check that your offers are still active, I recommend picking offers you think will stay around for a while! Setting up email auto responders to your new subscribers is a great way to start making money off them. Its easy to create some emails for different offers simply grab some email creatives from an affiliate network (like ours WOW Trk!) and setup some auto responders on your email platform you use, most email platforms support auto responders (if yours doesn’t consider something like MailChimp).

An important note to make is most of the services in my list above geo-targets (meaning a user from the US sees an ad that accepts US traffic, a user in Australia sees an ad for Australia traffic). I am a big fan of ads that geo-target, as I am sure most people are – even if your site is mainly for UK users, you might get traffic from other countries – why lose out on this revenue? Even if its small, its still money!

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