Online Marketing On A Small Budget

Online marketing has become integral to the success of business in the modern era, with a lot of money being ploughed into this area to not only create a presence online, but to develop and sustain it too. However, not all businesses have huge budgets which mean they can afford the to spend big when it comes to online marketing, with many operating more cautiously financially, but this doesn’t mean they can’t have success with online marketing. Check out our tips below on online marketing on a budget.

Identify your market

First, you should always know your market and the target audience you’re trying to attract. You shouldn’t spend a single penny on marketing before you have identified your target market and there’s no reason to spend on hiring others to do this for you either. What should come in useful is if the business can utilise big data to help identify the best consumer groups and create specific campaigns to suit their needs. This is already the norm and works well in highly competitive markets like the gambling industry. Therefore, while it may take some time to determine your audience, it’s worth doing and it will save you a lot of money further down the line too. 

Have a budget in place

If you’re operating on a smaller budget it ultimately means you don’t have much cash to waste, so knowing your budget and sticking to it will be crucial. You will be able to take advantage of free marketing tools when it comes to online advertising, but this won’t be the case all the time. Determine which areas you need to spend on, which you don’t, and plan accordingly, that way you should never overspend.


Set targets

You know your market and you have a budget in place, so it’s time to set targets. What are you aiming to achieve from your online marketing campaign? That’s the first question you should ask yourself. Always remember to set realistic targets which can be achieved, and one they have been reached, set new ones. It’s never a good idea to stand still, not where online marketing is concerned.


SEO, or search engine optimisation to give it its proper name, is one of the most useful tools when it comes to getting yourself out there. What SEO does, when it’s put to work correctly, is it helps a website climb the rankings in search engines which will help to drive traffic to the site. Now, SEO is complicated and it’s also time consuming, but it is worth it and this could be an area where a bit of the budget is spent hiring someone to get it spot on, as it really does make a huge difference.

Social Media

For many, social media is the be all and end all when it comes to online marketing. People use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram every spare minute they have, and this makes them very powerful when it comes to online marketing. If you want to reach out to others, set up social media accounts and use them, as often as possible. Social media is also a great place for promotions and feedback too, which you can use to your advantage.

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