NEW! ‘Offer Feeds’ Tool


This blog post relates to the WOW TRK affiliate network which closed in 2020. This blog post remains to preserve some history of the affiliate network.

The information in this blog post may be incorrect or no longer relevant.

Over the past few days you might have noticed a new tool, ‘Offer Feeds’. We are really excited about this new tool and hope affiliates find it useful.

With the Offer Feeds tool you can quickly generate a small piece of javascript code to be inserted on your website. This code displays a list of offers for your chosen countries and categories. For example, you could have a list of UK offers relevant to Freebies and Surveys for a page on your site about this – you will then earn commission each time a visitor clicks on one of these offers and completes the ‘payable action’ for the offer.

Your offer feed, which you place on your site, live updates as new offers come and as offers go, so there is no work from your end to keep it updated. Some great uses we think it could be used for:

  • You could create a page listing Prize Draws for additional content
  • Your sign up complete page could have offers listed on it, no more manually updating them
  • Have a page you don’t update much with a certain category of offers? Change it so it uses an offer feed!

Often pages get neglected for example we have seen sites where they have pages for Ireland offers but most their users are UK, so they never update the Ireland offers. Save time and make sure there are no dead offers by using an offer feed.

Your offer feed can be customised in a range of ways so that you can have the feed appear how you want with relevant offers.


You can customise your offer feed in the following ways:

  • Show/Hide offer thumbnails (88×33 in size)
  • Offer Order (Alphabetical, random on each page load or order by highest EPC/CR)
  • Sub ID (So you can track which leads have come from a feed, for example you could put ‘offerfeed’ as the Sub ID)
  • Limit Offers (For example you could limit the feed to only displaying 5 offers each time its loaded)
  • Categories (Which categories you want offers to show from, you can geo-target if you wish)
  • Countries (Which countries you want offers to show from)
  • Show ‘Ads by WOW Trk’ link (Displays at the bottom if you choose to show this, uses your Referral Link)

You can see a live demo of an offer feed below or on the WOW Freebies website, here [demo no longer available].

We would love to hear your feedback on this new tool and will be taking suggestions for improving this tool over the coming months. Please drop us an email if you have any ideas.


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2 thoughts on “NEW! ‘Offer Feeds’ Tool”

  1. Nice tool but i cant use it because i have users come from all countrys.
    The setting for Countries ‘data-countries=’ should set to country code for example US,AU or MY. So that i can create a simple php code to get my user location code . Or you can make it auto detect Geo location.


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