Increase Blog Traffic – Easy to Implement Ideas in 2018

If you wish to monetise your blog and earn substantial revenue from it, then there is one key essential you need to do: increase blog traffic.

Unfortunately, getting the traffic you need for effective monetisation can be easier said than done. The blogosphere is larger than it has ever been, and there are literally millions of blogs you are competing against for the attention of readers.

If you are determined to improve your blog’s traffic, then the good news is that there are still a few tried-and-tested methods that will allow you to achieve this goal. Below, we’ve put together a list of the most popular options for you to try…

#1 – Examine your existing SEO

It is worth going through your blog to ascertain how effective your SEO strategy is. Look at the SEO techniques you used on posts that have been successful, and seek to replicate this on posts that are struggling for traffic. This may require a small adjustment in content – such as integrating a different keyword – but even minor changes can deliver big results.

#2 – Post consistently

You are almost certainly aware of the fact that all blogs require new content if they are to draw traffic. However, there is another factor you need to consider: how consistently you post. If you are able to post 20 times per month, space posting dates out so there is a continual stream of fresh content that encourages your readers to keep coming back.

#3 – Revive and update old posts

Many established blogs rely on old posts that provide “evergreen” content – posts that are not reliant on being newsworthy or relevant to a particular point in time. If you have a number of old posts that were very much “of the moment”, it’s worth revisiting these and altering the content to a more retrospective slant. For example, if you posted a news story a year ago, you could revisit this and add information about subsequent developments on the topic or reflect on whether the outcome of the story was what you expected it to be.


#4 – Involve yourself in the blogging community

One of the oldest tricks in the book to increase blog traffic is to leave comments on other blogs but, frankly, this trick is rather outdated. Mobile browsing has meant that comment numbers have fallen across the board, and a “comment” – that is actually just a promotional tactic – will likely stand out for all the wrong reasons.

Instead of commenting on as many blogs as possible, involve yourself in Twitter discussions with other bloggers in your niche, or follow and interact with them on other social media platforms.

#5 – Offer your skills as a guest poster

Guest posting is one of the most natural ways to obtain valuable backlinks, though be cautious about which blogs you pitch your ideas to. Most blogs that accept guest posts will say so, either on their main page or in the contact section. If a blog doesn’t specify that they accept guest posts, it’s best to assume they don’t, and send your post pitch to a blog that will definitely consider it.

#6 – Add custom images to every post

Create a custom image for each post that you write; a simple background of a stock photo overlaid with text is sufficient. These images are a great way of gaining traffic from Pinterest; an often-underutilised resource that it is well worth focusing on. As Pinterest is primarily a visual site, a basic text link is insufficient to draw attention, so create custom images and pin them yourself every time you post.

#7 – Add “how to” content to increase blog traffic

When people run a search on Google, it is fair to assume they are looking for assistance. They want an answer to a question or a guide as to how a product or service works. If you are aiming to increase your traffic, writing posts that are genuinely useful to the reader should allow you to capture traffic more naturally. Even if the “how to” guide is for a relatively basic item you use every day, the chances are that there is someone out there who is using it for the first time – so ensure it’s your blog that they visit for everything they need to know.

In conclusion

It’s important to note that to increase blog traffic can take time; it will likely take a couple of months for you to see any discernible difference in your numbers should you choose to implement one of the methods above. However, a monetised blog requires a long-term outlook, and in time, you should see the increase in visitor numbers that you require. Good luck.

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