How to Monetise Your Traffic with Amazon Associates

If you own a website or blog, you need to think about monetisation. Through monetisation, you can earn a passive income that adds to the main income of your website. One possible way of doing this is with Amazon Associates (for other ways to monetise your traffic check out this blog post). By operating as an Amazon Associate, you can earn money by directing your readers, viewers, and users to products on Amazon. If you do this, you can earn a sizeable amount that can compliment your original website income. But how do you do this? As an Amazon associate, you will be able to gain access several tools that could be helpful. So, let’s look at how to use these to monetise traffic to your site.

Site Stripe

Amazon makes it very easy for you to monetize your blog. We can start by looking at the Site Stripe. Site Stripe is a great way to add links and get a fast look at your earnings. You can do this straight from the page on Amazon that you’re viewing at the time. If you’re on an Amazon page, you can use the site stripe to link it on your page. You will also be able to add short links from this toolbar as well.

Everyone knows that social media is a key part of monetizing a website and making sure that you engage your target audience. With the Site Stripe, you can make sure that you can add links to Twitter or Facebook and quickly give your audience a new way to see a link for a product.

As well as this, you can also use the Site Stripe to add a widget or add to an e-store. There are lots of possibilities, and the best part is that they can all be accessed directly from the top of the Amazon page. This can be hidden or displayed as you wish and is a very quick option for monetisation

Adding links here is simply a matter of choosing ‘get link’ from and then selecting ‘text.’

Product Links

Product links are another possibility. Through this it is possible to link to a specific product on Amazon. This product should be relevant to your target audience so that a) it looks natural and b) it actually leads to purchases. In other words, it needs to be something that they want to buy.

With links, you can show the product and info about the product that will make users more likely to click. You can set up custom links including text, text, and image or even just images. It all depends on the type of link that you want to use on your site and what you think would be most appropriate.


You can even use Easy Links. These are easy to set up and great for high conversion rates that can be served directly to your site.

One way to add links on your Amazon Associates profile would be to search for a keyword or ISBN in the search bar on the home page. You will then see a list of relevant products. By clicking ‘Get Link’ you can then get the product preview page. This will allow you to customise and add links.

You will be provide a code for whatever type of link you choose to build an individual link that can be placed on a website, blog or even a mobile app.

You’ll be pleased to hear that adding the links that you create is just like adding any other link. Choose the words and then paste the link that you will have created.


Banners are perhaps the most eye-catching option for your site. With Amazon banners, you can link to Amazon product categories rather than a product themselves. You can also use these banners to link to promotions.

With banners, you will be able to choose from a range of different banner sizes or shapes. As such, you’ll be able to pick banners to suit your site brilliantly. You can even get customised banners that are specialised for each season which is a fantastic possibility. It allows you to take advantage of different seasons and promotions that are sure to excite and interest your users leading to large conversion rates.

As you can see, then there are several different tools to choose from when you are an Amazon Associate to monetize your website. These options are easy, and Amazon makes everything as straightforward as possible. Once you sign up, Amazon will even recommend the products that would suit your website well based on the answers in your profile section.

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