How To Monetise Your Blog With CPA Offers

So you have a blog and it’s starting to get some traffic, some regular readers perhaps? It’s a brilliant feeling when your blog starts to take off, your content starts to rank in the search engines and you notice those social shares slowly creeping up each week. Well done, it’s extremely difficult to compete will all the fantastic blogs out there today, but now you might be wondering how you can make money from blogging? Something that started as a hobby could now become a stable income and we’re going to explain exactly how that can be done.

Make Money Blogging

By simply running affiliate offers on your blog, you don’t even need to sell anything to your audience base in order to earn money through this medium.

An affiliate network like WOW TRK provides you with various offers that can be promoted on your blog, either with advertising banners, or simply by using text links. The types of offers available on WOW TRK pay you on a CPL basis. This means, ‘cost per lead’ and you typically earn a commission for every customer that registers their interest with that offer. It could be as simple as signing up to receive a newsletter from a brand, the more people you can get to sign up after visiting your blog, the more commission you would receive.


If you’d really like to increase your earning potential, then you could feature various offers in your actual blog content. For example, you could blog about a competition offer that you think your readers might be interested in and then include a call-to-action at the end of the post directing your readers to the offer page. This works well because you can share your article on social media, encourage others to share it and of course it gives you the opportunity to pre-sell the offer.

A few things to remember…

Only promote offers that are related to the topics you blog about. This is especially important if you begin to blog about specific offers, as mentioned above. If you own a beauty blog, then it makes sense to promote beauty related offers to keep your leads targeted.

As tempting as it is, try not to go over the top with adverts, one or two is usually enough. Try to remember why your blog started to get popular in the first place, it was because your readers enjoyed what you were doing, before you started to make money from blogging. You shouldn’t change too much, or you risk losing your loyal readers.

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