How To Choose An Affiliate Network – A Guide For Publishers

As a professional content creator, blogger or website owner, it is in your best interest to maximize the earning potential of your online property while still maintaining the best possible user experience for your audience. And this is why affiliate marketing can be an incredible solution for publisher, advertiser and reader like. When implemented correctly and targeted strategically, affiliate links and promotional materials aren’t even seen as advertising; they’re value-added components to your existing online content.

Of course, not all affiliate programs are made alike and it can feel like a daunting challenge to select the best affiliate network for publishers. To choose the affiliate network that works best for you, you’ll want to consider a few key questions and criteria.


First, you’ll want to think about the industry or niche that you are already approaching with your website or that you want to approach with your website. It doesn’t matter if you find what others have deemed to be the best affiliate network for publishers if that network doesn’t have any offers that are relevant to your audience, niche and target demographic. To this end, it can be prudent to select a network with a broad variety of offers for added flexibility and selection.


Second, it’s important to work with a network where the managers and support staff are really there for you. When you are assigned a personal point of contact and can reach out to your affiliate manager directly–whether it’s via e-mail, telephone, Skype or instant messenger–you know that your best interests are being taken care of. Want to work out a technical issue you’re experiencing? Need assistance in deciding how best to promote a particular offer? Looking for an offer that is not yet available in the inventory? Great staff can go a long way in providing you, as the publisher, with a great affiliate experience.

Third, while the best affiliate network for publishers isn’t necessarily the one that has the highest payouts–the two factors above are ultimately more important, as are the tools and resources made available to affiliates–the payout levels and payment scheme are things of which you should be cognizant. When there is a disconnect between the offer and the CPA, don’t hesitate to contact your affiliate manager to see if an adjustment can be made. As ironic as it may sound, the actual dollars may be one of the less important factors when choosing a network.

If you want to work with one of the best affiliate networks on the Internet today with quality offers, a mobile friendly platform, and an international mindset, sign up with WOW Trk today. You won’t regret it.

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