8 Tips to Get the Most out of WOW Trk


This blog post relates to the WOW TRK affiliate network which closed in 2020. This blog post remains to preserve some history of the affiliate network.

The information in this blog post may be incorrect or no longer relevant.

At WOW Trk we are constantly looking at ways to make life easier for affiliates! Hopefully these tips will help you get started with WOW Trk or even improve your WOW Trk earnings and experience.

Not yet joined WOW Trk as an affiliate? Click here to sign up.

1) Featured Offers & Top Offers – Check out the Featured Offers on the Snapshot page when you login to your account, also look at ‘Top Offers’ in the Offers menu, to get ideas on which offers to run.

2) Subscribe to RSS – If you use an RSS reader, subscribe to the WOW Trk blog (www.wowtrk.com/blog/rss) to keep up to date with WOW Trk and also you could subscribe to the New Offers and Expiring RSS feeds. Don’t use an RSS reader? You can also subscribe to the blog via email.

3) WordPress – Do you have any websites or blogs that use WordPress? Install our plugin to automatically insert a banner rotator that geo-targets and optimises for the best performance. You can choose to insert it on posts, pages or as a widget. Its up to you (you can even choose all the options!).

4) Email Marketing – Do you have a member base you email to? If not start building one using a tool like MailChimp (they have a free plan). Many WOW Trk offers have email creatives and subject lines making it very easy to promote our offers by email.


5) Stat Extensions – Do you use Chrome or Firefox? Install our free extensions so you can keep up to date with your stats whilst browsing the internet. They even have notifications for when you earn more!

6) Mark us as Safe – Add [email protected] to your contacts book/safe list on your email client, this should hopefully mean emails from WOW Trk about offer updates, news and changes will reach your inbox!

7) Refer Affiliates – Login to your account and under ‘Tools’ click on ‘Refer Affiliates’. Easily share your referral link on social media. Also we recommend placing a link in your email footer to WOW Trk, something like ‘Earn Money from Your Site with WOW Trk’. You will earn commission for life on all affiliates you refer!

8) Ask for help! If you need help just ask. We are also constantly improving the blog with tutorials to help and also our FAQ section at support.wowtrk.com, which covers many common questions.

If you use Facebook why not also like us on that? Then you can keep up to date with news and offers whilst on Facebook. Click here to visit our Facebook page.

Need help or have some questions? Drop your account manager a message or email [email protected]

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