5 Step Guide To Affiliate Marketing Basics

Step 1: Join the Right Network

Choosing a network that is the right fit for your future affiliate marketing career is crucial. The affiliate network itself can be the difference between success failure. So, how do you know if you’re choosing the ‘right’ network? Ask yourself the following questions when comparing networks:

1) Does the network have multiple offers in your target country? There is no point joining a platform full of UK offers if 90% of your traffic is from Australia. WOW Trk is a global performance marketing network and we have hundreds of offers operating in multiple different countries.

2) Does the network have the right type of offer? (i.e the right niche, the right commission type)

3) Does the network provide a high level of support? Support from your affiliate manager is vital for a newbie affiliate. They will help you navigate the many offers and commission structures available to you. At WOW Trk we pride ourselves on excellent guidance and support for all affiliates.

Step 2: Pre-sell

It’s you job as an affiliate to pre-sell the product or service you’re promoting. It’s no good just providing links and banners on your website. Although this sometimes works, it’s far better to create some dedicated content to push each offer. This could be in the form of a blog post, a video clip, or an infographic. Be honest in your pre-sell content, highlight the benefits of the offer but try to not to go for the hard sell.


Step 3: Understand Your Audience

If an offer isn’t converting it could be that your promotions aren’t good enough, your audience is not well-targeted, or the offer does not convert well. Provided you have joined a high-quality network, you can probably rule out the latter. Badly targeted traffic is the number one reason offers do not convert. Understanding your audience is key to getting this right, use an analytical tool such as Google Analytics to learn more about the people visiting your website. Always promote offers that fit with the existing content on your website.

Step 4: Learn the Digital Marketing Basics

A good affiliate marketer is also a good digital marketer. You cannot be successful without understanding the basics. Brush up on your knowledge of SEO, content, email and social media marketing. You certainly don’t need to be an expert, but if you’re serious about making a lot of money as publisher, you need to compete!

Step 5: Monitor & Refine

Finally, once you start earning commission for the first time, replicate the successful techniques and refine them to increase sales. If something isn’t working it’s best to move on and try another approach.

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