Upgrade Loans and Credit Cards (US) (CPA) (Revshare)

Offer ID: 45103

Description: Loan

Requirements: Enrollement. Credit Card Submit

Allowed Methods of Promotion: SEO, Popunder, Display, Native, Toolbar, Context, Social, Facebook, Email

Restrictions: No Incent, No Fraud, No ClickUnder/PopUnder, No Rebrokering, No Doorways, No Sweeps


Offer Additional Terms

Please send your creatives to the affiliate manager for approval.

Credit card conversion flow:

 Step 1. User submits basic information (name, dob, address, and email).

Step 2. Consumer is approved for a credit line and selects continue.

Step 3. Consumer verifies social security number and employment information

Step 4. Consumer reviews agreements 

Step 5. Consumer links bank account for autopay

Step 6. Card Issued.



Personal Loan Issued

Personal Loan App Created

PersonaL Loan Offered   

Personal Loan App Submitted 

Card Application Started

Card Offered  

Card Application Completed 

Card Issued 
$42 - $112


Offer information last updated on 4th Jun 24.

Offer Details
Countries AcceptedUSA
Session Lifespan1y
Expiration Date
PreviewPreview URL
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