NCC – Xbox Series X vs. PS5 (UK) (CPL) (Personal Approval)

Offer ID: 46828

Description: Receive free samples

Requirements: The user needs to fill in the fields and submit (SOI)

Allowed methods of promotion: Web sites, Context AD, Brand Context AD, Teaser/banner AD, Social networks: targeted AD, Social networks: publics, games, applications, Emailing, Mobile traffic

Restrictions: No Proxy, No instant win, No incentivized traffic, No virtual currency, No sms-marketing, No push-notifications, No cash back, No content locking, No typo traffic, No Rebrokering, No ClickUnder/PopUnder, Do not Use the word "Free", " Giveaway","No Cost", Or Other Synonyms

Offer information last updated on 28th May 24.

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Countries AcceptedUK
Session Lifespan1y
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