Marley Spoon -food box Recipe – CPA – US – Incent Only

Offer ID: 29027

Allowed media types: Mobile Display Desk-Pops In-App Display Desk-Display Native.Cook Martha Stewart s Best Recipes
We ll deliver the fresh, pre-portioned ingredients directly to your door.
Pixel will fire when the user completes a first purchase of any subscription food box
Advertiser may chargeback fraudulent activity and also for cancelled sales.

The advertiser will be making removals on all cancelled subscription boxes. A report will be shared to support the removals.
Promoting on is not allowed.

Offer Additional Terms

Advertiser may chargeback fraudulent activity and also for cancelled sales.

Offer information last updated on 10th Sep 24.

Offer Details
Countries AcceptedUSA
Session Lifespan720 hours
Expiration Date2nd January 2041
CategoryFood & Drink
PreviewPreview URL
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