Fiverr – iOS – CA, DE, ES, FR, UK, US – CPA – Direct MMP Link – Non-Converting Offer

Offer ID: 28270

This offer is for uploading leads for VTA, it does not convert.

Fiverr is an online marketplace for digital freelance services. The company provides a platform for freelancers to offer services to customers worldwide.

Offer converts on First Time Buyer (FTB) from a new and unique visitor to Fiverr. Client will be removing any cancelled conversions.
Tracking Platform: Appsflyer with Protect360

Video Creatives available here:>

Daily click volume in excess of 200,000 with a click to install rate of less than 0.01% is considered fraudulent and will be subject to immediate blacklisting.

Traffic with a CTI rate lower than 0.1 percent is deemed potentially less acceptable traffic and may be charged back
Installs that occur less than 10 seconds after the associated click may be charged back
At least 50 percent of installs must occur within one hour of the click or traffic may be charged back

Promoting on is not allowed.

Offer Additional Terms

No Adult, No Incent

Offer information last updated on 9th Feb 25.

Offer Details
Countries AcceptedUSA UK Germany Canada
Session Lifespan672 hours
Expiration Date2nd September 2041
CategoryShopping & Retail
PreviewPreview URL
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