Ensuring your offer listing is well optimized is key to your success on the Offer Engine. There are more than 15,000 offers on the Offer Engine so setting up your listing correctly will help you appear in relevant results.
We’ve spent a lot of time and money designing and perfecting our search results to help affiliates find relevant offers for their search query. This means with the right optimisation of your listing you can appear when relevant on the Offer Engine and recruit not only new affiliates but hyper relevant affiliates and also grow business with existing affiliates.
For extra exposure you may want to consider appearing above all standard listings on the Offer Engine and on the homepage of the Offer Engine before a search query is made. You can do this by purchase a sponsored listing on the Offer Engine.
Optimizing Your Offer Listing
Affiliates can use the search field on the Offer Engine and also choose to use filter options as well. We’ve invested a lot of time improving the ability for affiliates to just use the search field and in many places of WOW TRK affiliates initially only see the search field so its important to optimize for searches using just the search box and also if they choose to use the filter options. This guide will help you optimize for both.
We recommend opening up one of your offer listings in another tab and making edits to it as you read through this guide. You can edit your offer listings from My Account.
Below are our top recommendations for optimizing your listing.
Key Information in Your Offer Name
You should include key points about your offer in the name of the listing. For example do not simply name your offer the brand name e.g. “mDate” but instead include what countries the offer is in and what kind of offer it is. So for example you could name your offer: “mDate – CPL [UK & AU]”.

Including countries in the offer name isn’t required as you can select countries in a later step and these are indexed for search queries as well. However it can be useful if you have more than one offer with the same name so affiliates can differentiate between them.
Write a Detailed Offer Description
The description is the place to sell your offer to affiliates. Let them know why they should promote this offer versus all the other affiliate offers they could promote. Mention key information about the offer like payable action and restrictions.
You should also include a detailed description about the site targeted more towards consumers like in the description below. You should aim for your description in total to be at least 150 words.

You can use some HTML (bold, italics, lists) in the offer description to format long descriptions nicely on the offer listing page.
Select All Relevant Countries
In the “Countries Traffic Accepted From” section select all the countries your offer accepts traffic from. You can select multiple countries from the list by holding down “Ctrl” on Windows or “Command” on Mac as you click on the options.
The countries you pick will help your offer appear for searches which mention those countries and if they are filtered by the country option. The countries will also show up on your offer listing page.

Separate Your Listing If You Have Multiple Payouts
If your offer has different payouts depending on the country we recommend you split your offer listing into separate offers even if its normally only 1 offer listing on your platform. This is because you can only set a single payout on an offer. To ensure affiliates can see you pay higher in Australia for example vs America you can setup 2 offers with a payout for each and simply differentiate them by putting the country in the offer name.
Select All Relevant Categories
Again in the “Offer Categories” section select all the categories relevant to your offer. Many users make the mistake of only selecting 1 category. You can select as many categories as you wish here, so long as they are relevant.
Please note if you consistently add your offer to categories we deem irrelevant we may have to remove your offer from these categories and remove your access to edit offers from your account.
Valid Preview URL with No Geo-Targeting
Including a valid Preview URL that an affiliate can visit that does not have any geo-targeting is key. Affiliates will be quickly looking through several offers on the Offer Engine and being able to quickly see the landing page lets them easily assess if they would like to run the offer.
Complete Every Field
There are some fields we have not mentioned here but you should still complete them. Many fields are used in our search indexes, so whilst affiliates might not be able to filter by them they are still used in the backend when an affiliate searches on the Offer Engine and often shown on an individual offer listing page.
Ensure Information is Correct and Kept Up to Date
It is extremely important to ensure the information on your offer listings is kept up to date. You don’t want to start a new relationship with an affiliate only for them to find out the offer they plan to run with you has ended or the payout is now lower. This is going to irritate the affiliate and may harm your relationship with them long term.
Affiliates can also see the date an offer was last updated, so regularly updating your offer listing will show affiliates the information is current and not out dated.

If you don’t want to manually keep your offer information up to date we can integrate your offer listings via API. We then check your API every 24 hours and sync any changes. You can find out more about this here.
Sign up to Advertiser Updates
We regularly make updates to the WOW TRK platform, staying up to date on feature announcements will mean you can take advantage of them as soon as they go live on the platform.
If you have not already signed up to the newsletter you can do so here.
That’s all our recommendations! Making these simple changes above could make a really big difference to how your offer listing performs on the WOW TRK platform. The better your listing performs the more affiliates you should see joining your program.
Start adding and editing offer listings from your account now. If you don’t already have access to add offers to the Offer Engine you can purchase an offer listing pass instantly.