10 Great Niche Site Ideas to Make Money From in 2020

If you’re thinking of starting up a niche website, you’ll need to make sure there is sufficient demand for the product or service you’re planning.

Choosing niche site ideas which are in high demand, yet lacking in sufficient web or social presence is often the best path to success. It will be much easier to drive traffic to your site via SEO, blogging and social media. Your return on investment is likely to be higher as well.

Are you looking for a great niche in which to get involved?

Our Best Niche Site Ideas Right Now

Home Automation

In such a busy age, people are increasingly turning to smart speakers like Amazon Alexa to help them with the chaos of day-to-day living. Other devices such as smart TVs, light bulbs, door locks, alarms and even smoke detectors are also becoming popular. Making it no surprise that the topic of home automation is very much in vogue at the moment. So, if you’re interested in tech like this, and want to make money, consider capitalising on niche site ideas by setting up your own YouTube channel. You can create revenue from ad networks and affiliate programmes by doing this.

Smart Home Blog Screenshot
Example: Smart Home Blog

Budget Kitchen Upgrades

The average cost to replace a kitchen here in the UK is around £8,000, making it no surprise that many households want to do upgrades themselves to save money. Take a look online, and you’ll probably see many articles on how someone renovated their kitchen with affordable items like cupboard paint, worktops and vinyl flooring. If you want to help people save money on kitchen renovations, consider setting up an Amazon affiliate site.

Example: Ideal Home’s blog post on Budget Kitchen Ideas

Back Garden Offices

More and more people are now opting to work from home to either save money renting office space or to cut out their daily commute. Yet working from home can be challenging and distracting, which explains why more and more home-based workers are building offices in their own back gardens. To capitalise on this, you could set up a blog showing how people can make a back garden office. Ads can be set up, which slowly build revenue until, eventually, you receive more significant interest from a private media seller. Ultimately, you could be generating a decent and consistent passive income as a result. 

Example: A Room in the Garden – Blog

Household Hacks

If you have a Pinterest account, you may have noticed posts about ‘life hacks’ such as ‘quick tips on cleaning your home’. You could do this yourself and make money from it by promoting home improvement offers from WOW TRK. Pinterest is an excellent platform for this because it receives a massive amount of traffic, no matter how new your account is. The trick is to test different posts each day to see how much interest they receive. You can then see which ones are successful, using ads to bring in more page views. The hacks that are the most popular could then be used as great content for a book. Such as ‘The Top 100 Household Cleaning Hacks’.

Example: Twinkle Clean Blog

Co-Ordinating Wall Art

Co-ordinating items within the home can be a struggle for lots of people. Indeed, many visit a store and see things they like, but don’t necessarily know how to put them together, which got us thinking that a blog on the topic of how to co-ordinate wall art could be a potentially good niche to make money from. It wouldn’t be too difficult to create, either. Set up a Pinterest page and spend a couple of months getting a decent following. Every month, you could give users the options of ‘buying a wall’, providing all the included artwork through drop shipping. You wouldn’t even need to invest in inventory! 

Example: Canary Street Crafts blog post

Home Soundproofing

Modern homes are increasingly being built open plan with fewer and fewer walls. While this is more in line with modern living, it can cause an issue with regards to sound, particularly for families that have hardwood floors or children running around. More and more people are working from home, so it has never been more critical to have a quiet space for concentration. Soundproofing is a trendy search term on Google, and many products can be recommended or linked here. For more expensive products, decent commission can be earned. You can be up and running quickly using Amazon associates.

Example: Sound Proof Cow


Activity tracking devices are incredibly popular at the minute as people strive to improve their health. Companies have latched on to this, pouring millions of pounds into further product development. Yet there are few decent blogs available on these up and coming products. One recommendation we could make is setting up a blog about smart tech and wearable devices. You could then promote affiliate campaigns that sell smartwatches to monetise your content.

Example: Wareable

Resources for Inventors

Lots of people out there want to manufacture their own products. Yet look online, and you’re likely to find few places to find information on this topic. Consider starting a blog on the subject of inventing. You could post about things like ‘how to draw up product designs’ or ways to outsource manufacturing to places like China. Although there are a couple of ways you could make money, you could consider setting up a members site who pay a small fee to sign up. 

Example: Invent Help Blog


Drones are popular among kids and adults alike. As well as a popular hobby, they can even be used professionally for industries like aerial photography and surveying, which presents an excellent opportunity for a blog. This could review the latest drones, provide hints and tips and videos of what others do with their drones. While there are many drone blogs out there, few are written by skilled bloggers. You could then place banner ads on the site to monetise it like the example site below has done.

Example: Drone Blog

3D Printing

If you’re unaware of what 3D printing is, it involves printing chunks of plastic which can be formed into useful objects like tech accessories, prototypes or even clothing! And it is a growing industry. There is an excellent opportunity within this area to start a blog for people thinking of buying a 3D printer in the future. Or people who already own one but are seeking inspiration for their next design.

Example: Sculpteo

Once you’ve decided on your chosen niche, you may want to take a look at how to set up your affiliate website for free. Also we have some great tips on how to make money with affiliate marketing.

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