How To Build More Trust Into Your Web Design

If you have a business website and want visitors to interact with you (it would be very strange if you didn’t want them to), one thing you need to make sure you do, no matter what is build their trust. But just how do you do that? With your web design of course! If your web design isn’t up to standard, chances are your visitor could avoid not only interacting with you, but visiting you again at all costs. Here’s how to build more trust in your web design:

Image Credit: Flickr

Make it Look Professional

First and foremost, your site needs to look very professional. Your mom might have drilled into you that looks aren’t important, but in this case, they are. You need to make your site look as good if not better than your competitors, so hire a professional web designer if you don’t know what you’re doing yourself. Ask for a portfolio of the web designers work as well as making sure they’re up to date with SEO and other important aspects of web design.

Offer Guarantees

By offering guarantees, your visitors will be less worried about what will happen should a product or service not turn out as described on your site. Offer a long list of guarantees and reasons why you know your product is great to encourage people to buy and erase their fears.

Offer Social Proof

Social proof is one of the best ways to win more trust, as it’s what others say about you. You can use social proof in many ways to make an impact on new visitors, for example:

  • Customer testimonials.
  • Case Studies.
  • Press mentions.
  • Company information, like your phone number and address.

Show That You’re Secure

You need to show your customers that you’re secure by telling them exactly how you store their information. It’s natural for them to worry when handing out their email and card details, so take the time to put their worries at rest and prove to them you can be trusted.

Be Transparent

By being transparent, we mean doing things such as allowing your customers to interact with your website. Of course you might not have every person saying something positive, but providing it’s a positive view in the grand scheme of things, you’re on to a winner! People will be able to tell if a crazy person is talking about your product or service – it’s a fact. Why not try:

  • Allowing users to rate your products?
  • Allowing users to comment on your products?
  • Offering a forum relevant to a product/service that you offer that all of your visitors can get involved in?

You could also try:

  • Interactive questionnaires.
  • Allowing your clients to log in and see their orders and where it’s at.
  • Setting up appointments online.
  • Auto responding emails when a visitor contacts you or makes an enquiry, to let them know their email was received and that you’ll get back to them shortly.

Building trust in your brand is so important, especially if you want to generate more cash flow and sell more of your product/service. Follow the tips above and do anything else you can think of to build trust in your site and brand!

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