Vulkan Royal | CPA [KZ, AZ] Context W/O

Offer ID: 5127

The basics:

Target Action: deposit

Hold for beginners: 14 days.

Hold trusted webmasters: 0-13 days..

Payout: 40 USD

Prohibited types of traffic: Websites, Doorway, Contextual advertising, Brand context advertising, Teaser / banner advertising, Social Networks:Targeting, Games, Publics, Applications, E-mail, Mobile traffic, ClickUnder / PopUnder, Rebroking, Motivated traffic, Telegram, Messengers, Adult


Offer discription:

Vulcan casino –  is one of the most recognizable and well-established casino brands in Russia and the entire former USSR. Vulcan is still very often found in an offline in Europe, and they are never empty.  So why is this casino is so attractive for gamers? This question has many answers, but the most important is, of course, this unforgettable atmosphere, a possibility to play favorite classic slot machines and a good casino recoil.

For the convenience of our partners, 1 adaptive landing in Russian is integrated into the system

Target audience: solvent men of 25-50 years..


Additional information:

It is forbidden to specify the minimum deposit amount in creatives.

Offer information last updated on 17th Apr 24.

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