– GB

Offer ID: 255902

SOLD.CO.UK is a complete home-selling service offering two simple selling routes; both of which are completely free for the seller. We don’t charge any fees or commissions and we even cover the seller’s legal costs. Moreover, we only ask for a 30-day contract – in our experience, this is more than enough time for us to guarantee a sale. In fact, our average time to sell is just 23 days.
Commission rules:
The lead generated by the affiliate results in SOLD.CO.UK either listing the property for sale via Enhanced Listing or Personal Auction, or purchasing the property via Custom Purchase.

Validation period until the 20th of the following month

Offer information last updated on 28th Apr 24.

G Partners Small
Offer Details
Countries Accepted
Session LifespanUnknown
Expiration Date
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