SimplyCook – Free Box £1 Postage (UK) (Trial) (Incent) (RevShare) (Personal Approval)

Offer ID: 50945

Description: Discover delicious every night. We’re always adding new, easy-to-follow recipes from unexpected cuisines. Join the thousands who have discovered the secret to sensational weeknight meals. We're rated "excellent" with over 10,000 reviews

Requirements: Payable Action – When a new user takes take out the free trial with £1 postage

You need to provide an email proof or a placement before you start running the offer. Conversions without an email proof or a placement will be rejected

Allowed Methods of Promotion:
Display traffic
Email traffic
Incent traffic
Non-Incent traffic
Offer Wall

No Adult traffic
No Autosuscription
No Bot traffic
No Coregistration
No Fraud
No Proxy or VPN
No SMS traffic
No Social traffic
No Spam

Price Range: $1.7804 – $33.8276

Offer information last updated on 12th Nov 24.

Offer Details
Countries AcceptedUK
Session Lifespan1y
Expiration Date
CategoryFood & Drink, Incentives
PreviewPreview URL
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