Zilch – Android – UK – CPR (Net30 Only) – Direct MMP Link – Non-Converting Offer

Offer ID: 29364

***This offer is for uploading leads for VTA, it does not convert

Join over 4 million customers and get the credit you deserve. It’s super quick to apply. Download the app now and see how much credit we can offer you, up to £2250. It only takes two minutes and you can start shopping same day.

The offer converts when the users installs and registers( (AF event name is ‘production_customer_registration_completed’)

KPIs: Target Install > Registration CR = 30%
Restrictions: No Incent, No Adult
Tracking Platform: Appsflyer

Compliance KPIs:
– Traffic with a CTI rate lower than 0.1 percent is deemed potentially less acceptable traffic and may be charged back
– Installs that occur less than 10 seconds after the associated click may be charged back
– At least 50 percent of installs must occur within one hour of the click or traffic may be charged back

Promoting on advertise.com is not allowed.

Offer information last updated on 5th Oct 24.

Offer Details
Countries AcceptedUK
Session Lifespan720 hours
Expiration Date15th April 2042
PreviewPreview URL
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