TEMU MYSTERY BOX (CA) (CPA) (Personal Approval)

Offer ID: 51123

Description: TEMU MYSTERY BOX 

Requirements:TEMU MYSTERY BOX sweepstakes campaign where the user converts once they enter their credit card to enroll in the sweepstakes.

Allowed Methods of Promotion: All Channels

Restrictions: No Incent

Traffic Times: 24/7

Custom Creative Required

Creative: You may use your own creatives.

Offer Additional Terms

All email affiliates must download and process campaign-specific suppression files before starting any live sends to this campaign.

From Lines: Free

Subject Lines: Free

Optout Link: https://www.marstwoseven.com/o-qxrr-o55-dc0cb4cf224531f12e7f1336722facdf

Mailer Access Key: https://www.affiliateaccesskey.com/m-qxrr-o55-767eb975c2487aaabdad4fd71a3525e5

Offer information last updated on 10th Sep 24.

Offer Details
Countries AcceptedCanada
Session Lifespan1y
Expiration Date
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