Norton LifeLock 360 Deluxe – Cart Page – US – CPS

Offer ID: 7225

Description: Choose to be safer online.
Opt-in to Cyber Safety.

Requirements: Customers needs to fill in the form (which includes name, address, phone etc.) and buy the product.

Allowed methods of promotion: Web sites, Context AD, Brand Context AD, Teaser/banner AD, Social networks: targeted AD, Social networks: publics, games, applications, Mobile traffic.

Restrictions: No Fraud, No Incent, No Email, No Doorways.


Allied Coverage


Subject lines:

AlliedCoverage Open Enrollment Notice
Avoid Your Health Insurance Rate Hike in 2016
Reminder: January Deadline for Health Coverage
Car Loans Available – Finance a Honda, Ford, Chevy & MORE! Bad Credit OK!

Suppression file url:

Unsubscribe link:

Offer information last updated on 16th Apr 24.

G Partners Small
Offer Details
Countries AcceptedUSA
Session Lifespan1y
Expiration Date
CategoryHome & Property
PreviewPreview URL
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