Money Pup Loans – Loans Up To $50k (US) (CPL) (Personal Approval)

Offer ID: 50610

Description: Money Pup Loans – Loans Up To $50k

Requirements: Offer converts on valid lead submit

Allowed Methods of Promotion: Social, SEO, Search, Push, Native, Mobile Traffic, Email

Restrictions: No Fraud, No Incent. No Adult

*Please provide the creatives before you start running the offer

Offer Additional Terms

Definition of a qualified lead: No New York. Checking account only. No military. Must be 20 to 65, Monthly Income $1200-$10,000. Filter out leads where work phone = home phone, leads with address that contains PO BOX, leads where employer is government agency like: military, attorney general, air reserve, air force, army, reserve, usmc, rotc, student, temp, unemployed, unemployment

Offer information last updated on 16th Jan 25.

Offer Details
Countries AcceptedUSA
Session Lifespan1y
Expiration Date
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