KukuFM (IN) (CPA) (Android) (Personal Approval)

Offer ID: 50598

Descrtiption: Kuku FM – Audiobooks & Stories

Requirements: Payable Event – payment success new

Allowed Methods of Promotion: Mobile, Display

Restrictions: Non incent

Offer Additional Terms


Payable Event - payment_success_new
Platform - Singular
Targeting: Hindi Users

Soft KPI
- D0/D1 Cancellations shall not go beyond 8%
- User creation - 80% (Install to signup)

Note :
1. Incent activities are strictly not allowed. If we find any incent traffic in mfilterit, payout for that inventory becomes zero for that month
2. No apk downloads. Basically no playstore downloads would be paid for.
3. CRM Numbers would be billable
4. Mfilter is active and only Not-Fraud numbers will be billable.

Offer information last updated on 16th Jan 25.

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